7 Waterborne diseases Water Filters Can Prevent

Posted on 29th June 2023

Water is a vital resource that sustains life, but it can also be a carrier of harmful pathogens and contaminants that cause waterborne diseases. 

At SUS SHOP UK, we understand the importance of clean and safe water for you and your family's well-being. 

In this blog post, we'll explore 7 common waterborne diseases and how water filters can help prevent their spread. 

By taking the necessary precautions and using quality water filters, you can ensure the purity of your drinking water and protect yourself from waterborne illnesses.

Understanding Waterborne Diseases

Waterborne diseases are illnesses caused by consuming water contaminated with harmful microorganisms or chemicals. These diseases can have severe health consequences and can spread rapidly in communities with inadequate water sanitation. 

Here are some of the most common waterborne diseases:

1. Cholera

Cholera is a bacterial infection that causes severe diarrhea and dehydration. It is primarily transmitted through contaminated water and food, leading to outbreaks in areas with poor sanitation.

2. Polio

Polio is a viral infection that affects the nervous system and can cause paralysis. While polio cases have significantly decreased due to vaccination efforts, the virus can still spread through contaminated water sources.

3. Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a viral infection that affects the liver. It is typically spread through consuming water or food contaminated with the fecal matter of an infected person. Contaminated water sources can contribute to the spread of this disease.

4. Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. It is transmitted through contaminated water and food, leading to symptoms such as high fever, abdominal pain, and weakness.

5. Cryptosporidiosis

Cryptosporidiosis is a parasitic infection caused by the Cryptosporidium parasite. It is commonly transmitted through contaminated water, especially in swimming pools, water parks, and lakes. The infection can lead to diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, and dehydration.

6. Giardiasis

Giardiasis is an intestinal infection caused by the Giardia parasite. It spreads through the ingestion of water contaminated with the parasite's cysts. Symptoms of giardiasis include diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, and weight loss.

7. Legionnaires' Disease

Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia caused by the Legionella bacteria. Although it is primarily transmitted through inhaling contaminated aerosols, waterborne transmission can occur when the bacteria grow and multiply in water systems such as hot tubs, cooling towers, or plumbing systems. Symptoms include high fever, cough, muscle aches, and shortness of breath.

The Role of Water Filters in Preventing Waterborne Diseases

Water filters play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and purity of drinking water. By effectively removing contaminants and harmful microorganisms, they help prevent the transmission of waterborne diseases. 

Here's how water filters can help:

Removal of Harmful Pathogens

High-quality water filters employ advanced filtration technology to remove harmful pathogens such as bacteria and viruses from the water. This significantly reduces the risk of waterborne diseases caused by these organisms.

Reduction of Chemical Contaminants

In addition to microorganisms, water filters also target chemical contaminants that may be present in the water supply. These contaminants, such as chlorine, lead, and pesticides, can have adverse health effects when consumed. By effectively reducing their presence, water filters contribute to healthier drinking water.

Improved Taste and Odor

Water filters enhance the taste and odor of the water by removing impurities that can affect its quality. By providing clean and refreshing water, water filters can enhance your overall drinking experience, encouraging you to stay hydrated and consume more water.

How to Prevent Waterborne Diseases

While water filters are effective in preventing waterborne diseases, it's important to adopt additional preventive measures. Here are some tips to further reduce the risk of waterborne illnesses:

Boil Water

If you're unsure about the safety of your water source, boil the water before consumption. Boiling water kills most types of pathogens, making it safer to drink. Allow the water to come to a rolling boil for at least one minute, and then let it cool before use.

Practice Proper Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene practices is crucial in preventing the spread of waterborne diseases. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and clean water before handling food or touching your face. Avoid swallowing water while swimming in pools, lakes, or other recreational water sources.

Ensure Proper Sanitation

Proper sanitation plays a vital role in preventing water contamination. Ensure that your plumbing systems are well-maintained, and that sewage systems are properly separated from your water supply. Dispose of waste appropriately and avoid open defecation to minimize the risk of water contamination.

Promote Water Safety with BRITA Water Filters

At SUS SHOP UK, we offer a range of quality water filters that can help safeguard your drinking water and protect against waterborne diseases. Two notable products we recommend are:

BRITA Water Filter Bottle

This convenient and portable water bottle comes with a compatible BRITA Microdisc, which filters water as you drink. It effectively reduces impurities, chlorine, and unpleasant tastes and odors. Learn more about the BRITA Water Filter Bottle here.

BRITA Marella Cool Water Filter Jug and Cartridge

The BRITA Marella Cool Water Filter Jug and Cartridge provide a larger capacity for filtering water at home. The jug incorporates an advanced filtration system that improves the taste and quality of tap water. Discover the BRITA Marella Cool Water Filter Jug and Cartridge here.

By using these reliable water filters, you can take a proactive step towards ensuring the purity of your drinking water, protecting your family from waterborne diseases, and enjoying clean, refreshing water throughout the summer and beyond.


Waterborne diseases pose significant health risks, but with the right preventive measures and effective water filters, you can protect yourself and your loved ones. Prioritize water safety by using water filters like the BRITA Water Filter Bottle and the BRITA Marella Cool Water Filter Jug and Cartridge. Remember to follow additional preventive practices such as boiling water and practicing proper hygiene.

For quality home and kitchen products at reasonable prices, contact us at SUS SHOP UK. Call us at 01702 593553 or email us at [email protected] to learn more and make your purchase.

Let's work together to ensure clean, safe water and a healthier lifestyle for you and your family.

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